

Informazioni di contatto


  • Rising star 2024


Design, Diritti d'autore, Marchi, Nomi a dominio,

Albi professionali

Consulente Italiano in Marchi e Design
Consulente Europeo in Marchi e Design

Iscritta all'Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale - sezione Marchi

Esperienza professionale

Nel 2011 si laurea in Giurisprudenza all’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano. Dopo aver svolto la pratica forense presso uno studio legale specializzato in Diritto industriale, frequenta il Master in Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management tenuto dalla Maastricht University. Ha lavorato come esaminatrice EUIPO ad Alicante, occupandosi della redazione di decisioni di opposizione e procedimenti di cancellazione di marchi UE. Nel 2016 entra a far parte del dipartimento legale della Giorgio Armani S.p.A. dove si occupa di questioni relative ai diritti di proprietà intellettuale aziendali.
E’ in Bugnion da settembre 2017 dove supporta le aziende italiane e straniere nella creazione, gestione e tutela dei propri diritti di proprietà industriale e intellettuale in Italia e all’estero. Scrive regolarmente su temi di proprietà intellettuale per riviste e blog di settore.
E’ stata nominata IP rising STAR da Managing IP.


Membro Marques




Amicus Curiae briefs of ECTA, INTA and MARQUES agree on “NIGHTWATCH” approach to conversion of EUTMs

“Legally unnecessary and detrimental to the economy of the proceedings”. A chance to change EUIPO’s practice on conversion?

Brothers in arms. The EUIPO defends its Board of Appeals’ jurisdiction (and its own) and the CJEU allows an(other) appeal to proceed.

Is the CJEU back in the game? After some years of somnolence, the CJEU takes another case on trademarks

“Quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus” [even Homer nods]. So why shouldn’t the GC?

“Legally unnecessary and detrimental to the economy of the proceedings”. A chance to change EUIPO’s practice on conversion?

Dangers unknown? A trademark may cause liabilities greater than you think.

Wake up and do something! Acquiescence explained.

Reimbursement of the legal costs for the enforcement of IP rights in the EU: “THE WINNER TAKES IT (ALMOST) ALL”

Gone With The Wind? The GC just cannot let the UK go.

Mission impossible. Register the name of a State as a trademark

The GC gives the Moon Boot the boot

A “creative” approach to likelihood of association. Is the GC trying to rewrite the laws?

OK. Everyone knows MESSI. But Miley Cyrus?


“SOMETIMES THEY COME BACK”….. Horror movie? No – General Court of the EU on colour combinations!

The “allure” of a famous place as a potential absolute ground of refusal?

Phonetic similarity, even to a high degree, is not enough to cause confusion, the General Court says

Should different meanings outweigh the similarities of non-distinctive elements?

CJEU: The EUTM unitary character requires a homogenous application of procedural rules, including in counterclaims for revocation

The Grüne Punkt Case

Green is the new black. But in 2003 that was not the case, says the CJEU

Colour trademarks: being unusual isn’t enough. Glaxo’s Purple

Is the CJEU finally reconsidering LOC for weak marks? PRIMA v. PRIMART

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Time to rethink the EUTM “unitary character”.

There are more things …than are dreamt of in your philosophy: Damages for infringing a revoked and unused trademark? Yes says the CJEU…

An increasing value for freedom of expression in trademark law?

Now we know it for a fact: amphoras are not usually made of glass.

Der Grüne Punkt: CJEU says yes to genuine use of the collective “recycling packaging” trademark

Evocation of geographical terms of a PDO/PGI. What elements should be taken into consideration?

A Paler Shade of Orange: A Distinction Without a Difference?

Clarity and precision: who decides what they mean?

Bad faith may be found also for different goods or services, says the Court of Justice

Clinical trials may constitute use, but when they do not, then there is no justification for non-use, says the CJEU

Free speech and trademarks. Could it happen here?

Disclaimers, a thing of the past

Italy: all colours are the same, but some are more colored than others… and acquired distinctiveness, per se, does not equal reputation/renown.

Scooters and cars, are artworks in the eyes of the beholder?

“Other characteristics” of the new Article 7(1)(e)(iii) EUTMR do not apply retroactively, says the CJEU.

Apples and Pears

A matter of allure

Is Article 8(3) EUTMR applicable only to identical marks? The General Court pitches in, but it is not the last word yet.

I know what I like and I know when I taste it. Cheese flavour cannot be “copyrighted” (nor registered as a trademark)

Amphorae are not made of glass: really?

Parallel imports of pharmaceuticals: rebranding or not rebranding?

The BASIC NET decision: did the CJEU kiss goodbye to the ‘substantial part of EU’ criterion on acquired distinctiveness?