Activity of verifying the management of industrial property titles (trademarks, patents, domain names, designs, etc.) of companies requesting an appraisal, as the preliminary step of the appraisal itself. Due diligence on the industrial property titles the appraisal focuses on, i.e. an analysis of the conditions of protection, ownership and validity in different countries. In the case of patent valuation, it is also necessary to carry out a technical verification of the technical contents of the patents undergoing appraisal. Activity of assistance and support in the valuation of business assets, with specific reference to intangible assets. Determination, by relying on one or more methods, of the value of industrial property titles in the case of transfer of the same, extraordinary business transactions (mergers, demergers, etc.), determination of the value for tax purposes, revaluation of balance sheet items, determination of compensable damage and access to public or private funding. Valuation operations are the fruit of professional synergies among technical consultants (trademark and patent attorneys) and legal and tax consultants. Appraisals can be sworn if necessary.