Contact information
Patents,Technical areas
Electronics, Mechanics,Professional registers
Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
European Design Attorney
Member of the Association of Industrial Property Consultants since 2019
European Patent Litigator - UPC Representative
Member of the Examination Committee I (Paper A and B) for the EQE (European qualifying examination)
Professional experience
Master’s degree in Engineering Physics, with a specialization in nanotechnology, from the Polytechnic University of Milan in September 2015 with the experimental thesis on the “Electrochemistry of Graphene supported Pt Nanoparticles”, worked at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). In May 2016 he joined the Milan office of Bugnion, where he deals with patents in the Back Office of the firm.
Since January 2021 he has been part of the front office in Milan, working mainly in the mechanical and electronic fields, supporting both foreign and Italian clients with a slight focus on the medical devices topic.