

Contact information


Copyrights, Design, Know-how, Patents,

Technical areas

Electronics, Mechanics, Software,

Professional registers

Patent Attorney
Member of the Association of Industrial Property Consultants
European Design Attorney
European Patent Attorney
Member of the Examination Committee II (Paper C) for EQE (European qualifying examination) of EPO
European Patent Litigator - UPC Representative

Professional experience

She graduated in Electronic Engineering from Parma University.
She was awarded a Ph.D in Information Technology by Parma University, where she studied integrated circuits. She has been at Bugnion since 2008: she drafts and prosecutes patent applications and oppositions before the EPO writes opinions on patentability and freedom to operate patent evaluations priority searches technical consultant in patent disputes strategic management and enforcement of patent portfolios filing and protection of designs in-house training speaker in sector events.

Partner at Bugnion.

